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No Blatant Knockoffs

Started by CNC Molds N Stuff, May 17, 2024, 01:10 PM

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CNC Molds N Stuff

When I started making molds I received a steady stream of requests to rip off other bait maker's designs.  It was kind of frustrating.  Let me say this about that unless they have a patent its not a legal issue, but it is certainly a moral issue.  I had one guy tell me to shove my morales up my ass.
(Ordinarily I would not use such language on the forum or allow anybody else to do so.)

If you want to rip somebody else's design it is either directly or indirectly to take advantage of their work, and their time and likely their money developing the design.  Then you came along and decided to just copy it without doing any of that yourself. 

I am not here to pass judgement on you or tell you what you can or can not do.  That is on you, but this is my policy in that regard. 

"I will now knowingly make an exact replica of a non-generic current production commercial bait."

"... but, but, but... They haven't made it in years, and I am down to my last bag."  That's not a current production bait.  That's what I call a nostalgia bait.  I'll be glad to look at it and see if I can make something that resembles it.  Contact me via the contact form on the cncmolds.com website.

"Well, I have a new idea that will revolutionize how that bait it fished."  Sounds like a real product modification.  That doesn't sound like a rip off at all.  Show me your idea.  Start on the contact form at cncmolds.com

"So!  What's the least I have to change?!?"  Yeah, no loopholes.  Sorry.  If it doesn't work different or look different its not different. 

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