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"It's Just For Personal Use" is NOT a Loop Hole

Started by CNC Molds N Stuff, Sep 29, 2024, 02:00 PM

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CNC Molds N Stuff

If you are copying somebody else work, you are still copying somebody else's work.  I don't care why or what excuse or what loophole you want to use.  "Its just for personal use," is still infringing on their work. 

My company policy is I will not knowingly make a copy of somebody else's non-generic commercial current production bait for you. 

I am not telling you what you can or can not do.  I am telling you my position on it.  You can do whatever you like, but I reserve the right not to help. 

Do you have a real product improvement they don't have?  Okay, lets look at it. 

Do you want to make it look different for a different application?  Okay lets look at it. 

Is it just a generic bait and anything in that general field will work for you?  Okay sketch up your own version. 

Did they quit making it years ago?  Okay maybe.  Lets look at your nostalgia bait. 

What's the absolute least you have to change?  Yeah, I'm going to pass.  Conversation over.  I'm not in the loop hole business. 

Can you make this bait at this link on somebody else's website.  Hard pass.  Conversation over. 

I work with a lot of guys who have me make custom bait molds for them.  How could they trust me if I was just another knockoff artist. 

Note the lack of a question mark at the end of the previous sentence.  That's on purpose. 

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