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The Benefits of Pro Ams (Draw Teams)

Started by CNC Molds N Stuff, Oct 25, 2024, 12:42 PM

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CNC Molds N Stuff

Of course when it goes right everybody is one big happy family.  In my opinion there are several good reasons for Draw Team style Pro Am series'.
1.  People can meet new people and make new friends.
2.  You can always learn from everybody new you fish with either as a "Pro" or an "Am."
3.  It gives new anglers a chance to get their feet wet and get a feel for the sport without ponying up thousands of dollars for a boat just for the opportunity to donate their money with no direct benefit.
4.  It gives people without a boat the chance to get out on the water.

Before I go on to number 5 I have to discuss it a bit.  There are some anglers who have a perfectly adequate boat suitable for tournament fishing who will NEVER bring their boat and let a random person fish out of their boat.  Some are just snobs.  Some are more than willing to take as an amateur, but never give as a pro.  Some claim that an AM disrespected them once so all Ams should fend for themselves.  Some fear an Am "might" disrespect them some day so all Ams should fend for themselves. 

Some just can't be the pro all day long.  They are not physically able due to age, health, or injury.  As a couple of my friends reach the age where getting their boat ready and cleaning it up is more effort than the enjoyment they get from a few hours on the water I begin to understand.  They may keep their boat hoping to feel good enough to get out somedays.  They may get rid of their boat giving up on more than driving by the water with a wistful thought.

5.  A pro am gives the opportunity for an angler who is not physically able to be a pro for a whole day to get out and fish for the competition and have a little fun.  In some cases it may be the ONLY time they can get out on the water.

... at this point some might ask if I am considering starting up a Draw Team Style Pro Am again.  I am not.  I did my time (8 years) and paid my dues.  Oh, I have thought about it, but when I recall some of the headaches the thought ends fairly quickly.  I commend Manuel Garcia and Mike Obney for trying after I quit.  Its hard.  I hope to see somebody or better yet a group of people try it again here in Yuma.

6.  If you are just in it for the money...  Where do you think future anglers come from?  Sure some go out and buy a truck and a boat just so they can donate to your paycheck blindly, but more will compete if they have a place to start.  The more people you help get into bass fishing and tournament fish the more people will be there tomorrow, next week, and next year. 

"How many boats you got?"  Sure a Pro Am may not put the boats on the water that a big paycheck tournament might, but a pro am will put more total folks on the water today.  With more people on the water today there will be more people fishing your paycheck tournament next week or next year and for years to come.

... and if you choose to become involved in a venture like this remember:
Bob's Tips For Anglers #0 - "Don't Let Other People Measure You."  If your goal is to achieve some of the benefits I listed then those are your metrics.  Your own goals for success are what matter.  Not something else somebody else chose to put you in "their" box.

... and if you are one of those people who have a reason, rationalization or excuse why you personally would not fish a Pro/Am don't project that on others.  Pro Am tournaments benefit a lot of people even if some of those people choose not to fish them.  Even you. 

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