Had a chat with Jeff a little while ago. He's getting more and more colorants ready to go. Maybe have some glitters inventoried and setup to ship soon. Still going to be a little while before he gets plastic flowing again.
Okay... this is the plan according to Jeff (ten minutes ago).
As time allows bring all the regular colors back online. Many already are. He may discontinue some of the colors that are very expensive to produce.
Bring back most of the glitters as time allows.
Bring back some of the soft plastics, but its going to be a while yet. Probably just a couple formulas that can be adjust easily with softner or hardner in the Easy Stretch line.
Managing the property at the new location has turned out to be a lot more work than initially expected, but he sounds a lot happier in his current situation than he was before.
UPDATE POSTED June 15th 2024
I don't know when or if MF will be making plastic again. I hope they get back to it someday, but I am exploring all my options.
Haven't heard a word about MF except one of my buddies claimed they aren't even getting colorant shipped out now.
I just checked their website and there is a lot of obviously broken listings. 55 gallon drum adds to the cart for $50. Obviously not. Colorant adds to cart at $0.00. Also, obviously not.
MF Update Again Again.jpg
I bought a lot of stuff from him because Bob reccomended him, but no more. He used to be good. Stuff shipped quick and the product was always as expected, but he seems to have had a melt down. I couldn't order anything I needed for a while. I called a couple times and finally got ahold of him and he proceeded to just for no apparant reasons tear into me. In fact he tore into a lot of people for no good reaosn. It was like he was having a raging temper tantrum. I hope he gets over whatever is wrong with him, but I'm not going to buy anything else from him any time soon. Honestly I wish him well. Obviously something is wrong, but I wouldn't hold out much hope of getting any orders fulfilled in the forseeable future.
He guys. Let this be your warning. You can update that somebody isn't shipping or other practical useful information, but no trash talk. Even if you think its deserved.
No problem. Just heard he wasn't filling orders even for stuff you could order.
Any news? Anythign at all?
Not that it matters much anymore. I've found all the colors I wanted and have a new source for plastic.
I don't know. Last time I talked with Jeff he called me at the wee hours of the morning to yell at me. I hung up on him, and went back to sleep. That was months ago. I haven't seen any progress on his website or heard any first person news since. One of my buddies who follows a couple of the YouTube/Instagram bait makers had said one of the tackle suppliers had driven to Oklahoma to pick up colorants and was selling some of Jeff's OG colors, but I don't recall which distributor / reseller. Last I heard there was still no estimated date for Jeff to resume selling plastic. I've been sampling other plastics to see what I like instead. I've always liked everything about MF plastics except for the oily finish. For my own use I didn't care and neither did the fish. I get customers ask me all the time what plastic I use, and for now I am experimenting. I for years I sent people to MF, but I can't do that anymore. I bought several plastics from Dead-On to try, and I bought the sampler pack from Bait Plastics. I think next I'm going to order some Essentials from Do-It molds to try next, and just use softener and hardener to get my own exact recipes. For now I am not recommending any plastic or stating any plastic I prefer.