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Discounts for Members

Started by CNC Molds N Stuff, May 18, 2024, 10:42 AM

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CNC Molds N Stuff

There may periodically be CNC Molds N Stuff discounts for participating members. 

The emphasis is on participating members. 

The discounts may come in the form of:
  • A new product introductory price for members of this forum only. 
  • On very rare occasions there may be specific or general discounts. 
  • Members may have the first option to purchases scratch and dent items.
  • On very very very rare occasions there may be special promotions, give-a-ways, or discounts also available to newbies who have some level of participation.

Nobody who joins just for the discounts will actually be eligible for them.  Those who actually post, stick around, provide valuable information about tackle making, and actively help other members will be eligible.  It will not just be based on a post count or time limit.  It will be subjectively based on quality of participation.  When there are enough members who have helped fulfill the primary goal of this forum in helping others without breaking any of the rules  there will be a member driven system to recognize others that will be taken into consideration. 

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